About Us
After seven years, the return of the coverage Natchitoches Area Sports deserves returns. For those of you that don't me, my name is Chris Salim. I played baseball at Northwestern State from 2004-2006 and am born and raised here in Natchitoches. From 2012-2016, I had this page to give all the kids regardless of age, sex or sport a platform to spotlight themselves on a daily basis. After a 7-year hiatus, I want to come back and make this bigger and better than it was before based on the ole phrase that many of us live by "If I knew then what I knew now." This page will highlight the high schools of Natchitoches Central, St. Mary's and Lakeview High School athletics but will hardly be exclusive to that. Youth sports, and anything else I can spotlight will be featured on this page when possible. I look forward to bringing this back to an even higher level than it was before and thank you all for your support in pushing to have this page return. Glad to see you all again Natchitoches! See you soon!